Social media design

Clean and informative

Facebook's 20% text rule, building a social presence through informative posts, using the right hashtags, and more - we take care of everything for you.

Targeted social media

Social media is not what a designer ideally considers the best use of their time, quite honestly. And that's why we have non-designers on team to handle the scheduling, posting, copywriting, reporting, and overall page management and setup that goes into running an active, growing social media page.

We do targeted social media. We take a USP, a topic, or the cornerstone of your business itself and crack a suitable design language to present that message. For a set period of time, we promote only that particular USP or topic, with intermittent messages also shared as and when required.

Overall, our aim remains to make a page look appealing and its posts look sharable.

We handle: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest mainly. On these platforms, you can receive support from us for managing ads and post boosting as well.



Brand highlight: Ethik

Ethik is a non-leather fashion label. We've been with them for a while, helping them grow. Ethik is a digital-only brand with a digital-first approach when it comes to marketing and advertising. As you could guess, social media is pretty important. The aim was to make Ethik a digital brand.

From setting up the pages correctly and having an appealing front face of the social media pages (everything besides the posts) to doing targeted social media design and running ads on GDN - we did it all.

First, we create USPs with suitable design languages

The last design was finalized as the first targeted campaign

The last idea (from the above section) is a feature-based idea. The design language is kept minimal while a highlighted feature is displayed, keeping in mind the 80:20 ratio of visual to text usually ideal for social media. So when it was selected as the first campaign we'll be doing, the next step was to make more graphics based on that design language and theme.

One target group was those who buy luxury products, these are some of the ads for that audience

Instagram stories, some promoted, some normal

GDN, or Google Display Network, is a great way to attract more people. It accepts ads in a variety of sizes. These are some:

Fancy way to show product features? Check. Presenting the Bracket theme

Some chic ads, including one for Taboola platform

Banners for the social media pages

You don't have banners on Instagram, so the last image in the above set is how the Instagram banner region is beautified: with folders, right message in bio, and the right link.

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is vital for any brand to grow digitally

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